Obama tweets March Madness bracket, picks Michigan State men, UConn huskies women

Former President Barack Obama has picked Spartans and the unbeaten Huskies as champs for this year's NCAA tournament.

Having a tough time filling out your bracket? You might want to draw some inspo from Obama's selection. Because if you didn't already know, he is a huge basketball fan and from the looks of it, a fan of Michigan State University men's team!

In a tweet from the former president, he has the Spartans men beating the defending champions of North Carolina in the semi-finals, and winning against Virginia for this year's NCAA title!

And on the women's side, he's chosen the unbeaten Huskies, again, as winners of 2018's NCAA tournament. Obvious pick or a smart move?

Last year Obama picked North Carolina and UConn as winners of 2017-- and they both won! But will he be right again this year?