Open Faced Reese's Peanut Butter S'mores with Mini Marshmallows and Pretzel Chips


Open faced Reese's Peanut Butter Cup S'mores with Mini Marshmallows and Pretzel Chips

2 Packs Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

1 /2 C. Kraft "Jet-puffed" Mini Marshmallows

4 Snack Factory Pretzel Chips

Tools- A pastry or Butane Torch

Method- Place 2 T of mini marshmallows on each Reese's Cup. Lightly brown the mini marshmallows using the pastry torch until they are bubbly and golden brown. Start with the flame about three inches away from the mini marshmallows so that they melt before starting to brown. Place a Pretzel Crisp on top of the browned Marshmallow. Eat immediately!!!