Organizer Of Canceled Charity Mud Runs Faces Lawsuit

Action is being taken against the organizer of mud runs across the country that were canceled at the last moment.

FOX 29 Investigates spoke this summer to local would-be runners who were left scrambling instead to get refunds. Investigative Reporter Jeff Cole has an update on the story.

The man who organized these mud runs is named Frederick Bradley Kellogg, and he's got a problem - a lawsuit brought by Minnesota's top prosecutor. Here's what happened.

The LoziLu Women's Mud Run, benefiting a cancer-fighting charity called Leukemia Ironman Fundraiser for Eric ("L.I.F.E."), was successfully held on a Collegeville, Pa., farm in 2014.

But then the organization that put on the events was sold to Kellogg. He advertised a 2015 event here, except he never got approval to return to the farm.

The mud run was canceled by email the day before it was to be held. Some registrants found out that morning!

Races in other states were canceled, too, often with short notice. And that wasn't the only problem.

It turns out Kellogg has a previous felony fraud conviction. He's serving 20 years on probation.

Now, Minnesota's attorney general alleges that since Kellogg took charge, the mud run hasn't given any proceeds to the charity, L.I.F.E., and wouldn't stop using its name.

She's seeking in a lawsuit to enforce her state's charitable solicitation and consumer protection laws.

Most of the local women we spoke to were able to get refunds from the website where they registered.

Kellogg faces the possibility of a fine and being ordered to pay the charity and donors what he owes them.

For more information on L.I.F.E. and how to donate, click here.

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