Philadelphia hotel staff go above and beyond to replace girl's lost doll

A Philadelphia hotel staff is credited with going above and beyond to help a young Virginia girl through the loss of a cherished item.

Ava, who has recently been dealing with an illness, was staying at the Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Philadelphia with her family during spring break.

Ava's constant companion, a pig doll named Olivia, has been with her since Ava was a toddler. Naturally, Olivia accompanied Ava on the trip to the Philadelphia hotel.

Ava misplaced Olivia during the spring break vacation. Needless to say, Ava was devastated.

Ava's mom called the hotel in an effort to locate the doll. The staff informed Ava's mom the doll wasn't to be found. Undeterred, her mom made several more phone calls to the hotel. Each time, however, Ava's mom was told the pig doll was lost.

In a final call to the hotel, a manager answered. He told Ava's mom that he had an idea as to how to resolve Ava's broken heart.

The hotel manager penned a note to Ava explaining they were sorry that the girl's original Olivia was lost, but all hope was not lost. The manager set the note in a surprise package for Ava.

After several days, the package for Ava arrived. She was so happy, she cried. Inside the package was a new Olivia doll and this doll had stories to tell. The staff had taken the new Olivia doll on adventures throughout the hotel and took pictures along the way, in order to share the adventures with Ava.