Philadelphia non-profit trying to replace stolen community fridge

A local non-profit organization is asking for their community fridge to be returned after they say it was stolen from a North Philadelphia neighborhood. 

Executive Director of As I Plant This Seed said on Instagram the fridge was stolen from outside their ‘Tree House’ property on the 3500 block of North 9th Street. 

The community fridge was accessible to anyone in need of food and was stocked by kindhearted people with a little extra to spare.

"Anybody in the neighborhood could put food in, take food out, it's pretty much a helping type of situation," Mentor Tysheen Wilson told FOX 29. 


As I Plant This Seed is an organization whose goal is to uplift young people in the community, they set up the community fridge 9 months ago.

Program Coordinator Sharen Mackrey said the theft will create a void in the community.

"We're in a neighborhood where it's food insecure, so this is a food desert neighborhood, and it hurts the community that someone came to steal the entire refrigerator."

The organization says it has limited funds and is looking for donations to replace and restock the community fridge. 

"I'm hoping everyone can collectively come together, just pull together and try to right this wrong," Tiara Blackwell said. 

Anyone interested in helping As I Plant This Seed replace their community fridge can reach out to the organization on social media.
