Photo digitizing company offers free services to Hurricane Harvey victims
WEST BERLIN, N.J. - Lilly Warden lives in Houston and was one of many hit hard by Hurricane Harvey and yet even as it happened there were some probably unexpected things on her mind.
"While it was coming in I did scramble to try to save baby books and some things but it came in so fast that I missed some boxes of pictures."
People have stepped up with food donations and clothing donations…..but one local company is stepping up helping with something most of us didn't think about preserving, our memories.
The owner of FotoBridge Julie Morris told Fox 29, "We started getting phone calls, oh my goodness is there anything you can do people so upset that they believed their family treasures were forever gone."
Lilly Warden was one of the calls fotobridge in New Jersey received about pictures soaking wet or stuck together after flooding.
"I literally broke down crying because I was born in Cuba so we had limited things that we were able to take out of Cuba back in 1960."
The business scans pictures to memory cards so they can be kept in digital form. Julie and her team took the calls, heard the stories and simply said send the pictures to us.
"The first couple of boxes started arriving here soaking wet with thousands of pictures in trash bags."
They immediately went to work drying out the pictures paying special attention to the fact that they were dealing with possibly the last record of life events that some have.
And in the midst of so many stories of businesses price gouging people in need Julie and company went to the other extreme. Helping for free!
"There's a part of life where A, you give back and B, you can't be in this business and not understand the importance of that memory."
After the damage hopefully people will get a chance to accumulate new memories but thanks to Julie and fotobridge they can also maintain the old ones… for goodness sake.