Police mum on Warminster burglaries making residents uneasy

Police admitted that there have been multiple burglaries around Warminster, but they are offering few details about the incidents and the investigation making residents uneasy.

What police have revealed is that the break-ins have all happened during the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., a time when most people are hard at work.

"I have a wife that stays at home, so that's a little unique these days, so I have an advantage there and I do have a nice dog that will help protect our household, but I wasn't aware of this," said Warminster resident Bob Weir.

Police have yet to say exactly where the burglaries have happened, but have revealed that the crimes are well spread through the town.

"The police should really let us know what's going on with break-ins obviously," said Weir. "I would like to know because I live in this township."
