Police: Suspects attempt to rob man after following him home from train station

Lower Makefield, (WTXF) Police say a simple trip home for a Bucks County man became a struggle after he was followed by two men.The victim was followed for more than 10 miles.

Lower Makefield police are searching for the men accused of attempting to rob a 64-year-old man at gunpoint outside his Bucks County home. It happened in the middle of the night last Thursday.

"We think he was chosen at random. That he was followed at some point during his trip," said Lower Makefield Police Department Captain Bob Lewis.

According to police, the victim was returning home from a business trip - he drove from the Hamilton train station to his home. And at some point, attempted robbers hopped on his tail. Police say the victim had no idea until he opened the garage to walk into his home and came face-to-face with his attackers.

The homeowner struggled with the gunman they fought and the gunman ran away to a waiting vehicle.

The gunman got away with nothing, police say The victim was roughed up but he's okay. Police aren't sure yet whether the victim was preyed upon at the train station, but passengers aren't taking any chances.

If you think you're being followed, police advise you to call them immediately, go to the police station if you can or well populated area.

At this time, police do not a description of the vehicle the suspects were driving. They are hoping to obtain surveillance video.

If you have any information, please call Lower Makefield police.