Police warn of crackdown during West Chester University's homecoming weekend

Signs of West Chester University's homecoming weekend are all over town.

"I'm excited to have a good time," said one student. Students are planning to attend University sponsored events and of course party too.

"This is our time to have some fun and get a break from all the stress from school," Saki Hoang.

But West Chester Police promise a crackdown on rowdy crowds that may wreak havoc in residential neighborhoods as in previous homecomings.
The Chief of police posted on the department's Facebook page that they will aggressively enforce all alcohol and alcohol related laws and recommend a $500-plus fine for underage alcohol violations.
Rosario Messina is glad to hear that. He's lived here more than 50 years.

"They're awfully rowdy and a lot of drinking. This is not all of them but it's been my experience in this vicinity they just tear things up," he said. But his neighbor Kerry Lynch feels differently.

"It's our first homecoming weekend. I saw in the newspapers that there were some problems last year but I'm not really all that concerned. When we moved here I knew it was a university town and I knew that kids like to study hard and play hard. I really don't have any complaints," said Lynch.

Police say they'll also be on the lookout for illegal parking in neighborhoods and there will be more police on the streets.
Robert Bird feels the crackdown warning is a bit much.

"There's no kids storming the streets or tipping cars but we like to have our fun on homecoming as well," said Bird. He feels many residents are blowing things out of proportion but he does admit some students don't follow the rules

"With people throwing trash on their lawns. I know I'd be pretty angry if somebody threw trash on my lawn but at the same time there are some people who seem to be sticklers and want to shut it down," he said.

The Police Chief's Facebook post also encourages students to be safe this weekend and suggests ways they can do that while having fun.