PPA to end free parking at Center City garages on June 1

The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) will start charging to park at city garages again as the officials move to reopening.

As such, the PPA says it will resume charging normal rates at its eight parking garages in Center City starting Monday, June 1. 

The renewed order only applies to garages currently as the PPA says it will not yet resume payments for parking meters and kiosks. 


Payment at parking garages were temporarily suspended back in March at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

While officials are providing moderate leeway during the COVID-19 pandemic, they are also reminding residents not to take advantage of these changes.

 If we find safety violations, we’re definitely going to enforce those and you could be towed," PPA Executive Director Scott Petri said previously when the news of lessened restrictions was first announced.

For more information on the PPA's adjustments, please click here.


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