Pregnant Doctor Delivers Woman's Baby While in Hospital for Her Own Labor

(INSIDE EDITION) A Kentucky doctor came to the rescue and delivered another woman's baby, hours before giving birth to her own.

Dr. Amanda Hess was getting ready to be induced for labor on Sunday night at Frankfort Regional Medical Center, where she works, when another laboring mom could be heard screaming in a nearby room.

"I changed into my hospital gown and was waiting to get my IV. My husband heard somebody and said, 'Is that somebody screaming?'" Hess told "You can hear the nurses running down the hallway. I asked the nurse that was attending to me, 'Do you guys need some help?'"

The nurses said they hadn't wanted to ask the mom-to-be for help, but Hess had no problem heading over to help the woman, Leah Halliday Johnson.

Halliday Johnson's baby's heart rate was dropping whenever she had a contraction, Hess explained, and her doctor was not yet present.

"I put another gown over me to put on my back. And I put on flip flops, that's all I had. It was about two patient rooms down," Hess said.

Hess didn't realize at first that Halliday Johnson was who she was being called to help. Hess had seen her for appointments during Halliday Johnson's pregnancy.

Halliday Johnson said she was already feeling the urge to push before Hess arrived, and was nervous that her doctor wasn't there.

"I was definitely concerned because my body was telling me it was time to push. It's not a long process. So I was hoping someone was there to catch the baby," Halliday Johnson said. "It was just pure relief to see [Hess'] face. She's a great doctor."

Hess said the mom was completely dilated when she stepped into the room, and after a few pushes, her baby had arrived.

"It was a little bit of a surprise," Hess said. "As soon as I saw that, I immediately kind of turned off patient mode and immediately went into doctor mode."

Hess was induced right after delivering Halliday Johnson's baby and gave birth to a baby girl 12 hours later. Although the babies won't share the same birthday, they'll both be a part of an amazing story.

"I'm really impressed with Dr. Hess," Halliday Johnson said. "At that point, it's hard not to be completely self-centered. The fact she was willing to step up. She didn't know it was one of her patients, she just knew there was a woman who needed help. I'm just grateful."