Rare weather phenomenon creates tropical-like ocean conditions

NEW JERSEY (WTXF) A rare weather phenomenon is creating almost tropical-like ocean conditions down the shore.

FOX 29's Chris O'Connell traveled down to Atlantic City to find out why.

If you've been down to the shore over the past week, you probably noticed it. The turquoise colored Atlantic and it's clear too. Some say the water is cleaner than it has been in decades from Atlantic City to Brigantine.

"A lot of people have been loving it. They've been asking a lot of questions actually about what it's so clean," said AC lifeguard Philip Egnor.

So what is causing the crystal clear water? This gift from mother nature? Well, it turns out the answer is the perfect storm of perfect conditions.

Our Kathy Orr says the bloom of phytoplankton seen from a NASA satellite is responsible for the color of the water. And a recent drought limiting river run off is making the ocean clearer than normal-- making the Atlantic more like the Caribbean.

"Runoff can make the water a little murky. So without the rain and the runoff you have this clarity in the water along with the beautiful tropical color," Orr explained.

It's a phenomenon that many long timers have never seen before.

The bad news is chances are the blue water may not stick around for ever. Wind and tides most likely will help dissipate the plankton bloom.. So enjoy a little bit of the tropics while you can.