SEPTA Releases Video of Eagles Fan Punching Giants Fan in the Face

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF)- It's the viral video everyone is talking about.

Now, new SEPTA video shows what happened before the punch seen around the world.

A Giants fan from Delaware County began talking trash with an Eagles fan, and then got punched in the face.

The entire altercation was caught on video.

Giants fan, Anthony Righter, is now telling his side of the story.

"I always been a Giants fan," Righter says.

Anthony Righter would rather forget what happened early Tuesday morning when he got knocked out inside 69th Street terminal.

"I was just trying to go and enjoy the game. I wasn't going to try to pick a fight. I happened to be a Giants fan from Philadelphia," Righter says.

SEPTA released new video showing what really happened during this incident. The footage shows Righter, wearing a red Eli Manning jersey, getting off the train after the Eagles beat the Giants. He began trash talking with an Eagles fan for roughly two minutes--then things got violent.

"As I was walking up the stairs he grabbed my Giants had and threw it on the ground," Righter says.

Moments later the a woman Righter was with begged everyone to stop.

Then Anthony is slugged by a guy in an Eagles jacket.

Cell phone video even he posted on his Facebook page viewed over a million times. Shows the guy SEPTA police now want to find.

Righter admits there had been drinking involved, but claims this was not an excuse for the attack.

"It probably lifted the situation to what happened. It's still no reason for it to happen," he says.

Righter didn't file a police report, but SEPTA police say they'd still like to talk to anyone involved.

"I think there may be some culpability on the side of the Giants fan. But again we'd like to know the full story," Thomas Nestel, Chief of SEPTA Police, says.

Righter believes his attacker will get what's coming to him.

"He's going to get his day. It may not be from me. One day karma is going to come down and get him," Righter says.

Septa tells us they are still hoping to speak with Righter, the guy who threw the punch or the person who took the video, but none of them have come forward so far.