Sixers Arena: What's next for Market East?
CENTER CITY - What’s next for the Market East neighborhood of Philadelphia now that the Sixers will not build their new stadium there?
On Market Street, a lone figure slumps at a bus stop near the Fashion District, a retail area fighting to attract shoppers. Across the street, metal gates are pulled in front of empty storefronts where trash collects. With the Sixers' planned arena heading south, what will happen on Market Street?
What they're saying:
Becky Louge works in Market East and offered her opinion, "I think what they need to do is bring in more retail, more restaurants, bring people to Market East. Make sure we can clean up the city a little more."
Dave Adelman of the Harris, Blitzer Sports & Entertainment group said Monday during the press conference announcing the return to South Philadelphia, "While our arena will be built in South Philadelphia, the Sixers and Comcast are now partnering and fully committed to revitalizing the once great Market East corridor."
The involvement of Comcast Chairman, Brian Roberts, born and bred in Philly, is seen as vital. Roberts said on Monday, "We want to imagine our city with a vibrancy with economic development with vision. Your vision."
What's next:
The Sixers billed their arena, planned between 10th and 11th streets, as a shot in the arm for the sagging neighborhood. Now planned for South Philly, the team and its new partner, Comcast, say they’ll work together to reinvest in Market East.
What that reinvestment will be is unknown. A source with knowledge tells FOX 29 the City of Philadelphia is likely to hire its own consultant to produce a plan so it can control what happens here, not a sports franchise.
With Macy’s leaving and blocks in decline, the challenges seem great, but not the number of passersby with big ideas.

Sumere Robinson of Germantown suggests, "More museums, interactive stuff. Things you can do with your kids, so when people come to the city there are more things to do."