Small Bucks County borough votes to keep its own PD
PENNDEL, Pa. (WTXF) - People in a small Bucks County borough debated late into the night and decided to keep their police department their own.
It was a major controversy in Penndel, with a population of 2,400. The meeting was called for called 7:30pm Tuesday and lasted nearly five hours.
More than 200 people packed the municipal building to keep their full-time police chief and ten part-time officers.
So many residents showed up, the crowd overflowed outside and people had to watch from windows.
Some on Penndel Council said that department costs too much, and contracting with nearby Middletown Township could save $2 million over ten years.
Many people in Penndel didn't like that idea and urged officials to have their officers stay put.
The mayor and police union representative confirmed the plan to outsource the jobs was ultimately voted down.