Stranger Apologizes to Female Vet After Note About Parking Spot Goes Viral
(FOX NEWS) Earlier this month, a woman returned to her parked car to find a nasty note from someone who thought they were sticking up for veterans.
The note criticized Rebecca Hayes for parking in a spot reserved for veterans. But Hayes is a veteran; she served in the Navy for eight years.
READ MORE: 'Have some respect': Stranger rudely calls out vet over parking spot
Hayes posted the note on Facebook, along with an "apology" expressing anger at the stranger for judging her.
The post was shared by thousands of people and picked up by media outlets. Eventually it was spotted by the note-writer him- or herself. This person penned an anonymous apology to Hayes for the error addressed to "the lady whose car I left a note on"; and Hayes again shared it on Facebook -- this time, with gratitude toward the stranger.
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