Teens charged after classmate with allergy exposed to pineapple
BUTLER, Pa. (AP) - Authorities say three teenagers face criminal charges after intentionally exposing a school classmate with a severe pineapple allergy to the fruit.
Police in Butler Township allege that a 14-year-old high-fived the other 14-year-old girl to expose her to the fruit during lunch period Dec. 13 at Butler Intermediate High School. The victim was taken by ambulance to Butler Memorial Hospital where she was treated and released.
Chief John Hays said the girl's allergy was well-known and pineapple isn't served during that period but someone had brought it from home.
The suspect was charged in juvenile court with felony aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, and other offenses. Two other girls, age 13 and 14, face charges including criminal conspiracy.
Attorney Mike Santicola calls the case a prank and suggests that the defendants were overcharged.