What is Plogging? Movement encourages dog walkers to clean up after their neighbors
PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) - A growing movement is calling on people who walk their dogs to do a little more than just clean up after their pets.
Instead of just bringing bags with you to clean up after your pet, this movement is encouraging walkers to bring a few extra to clean up after your neighbors.
It's called 'Plogging,' and our own Hank Flynn decided he wanted to find out more.
While most people walk by garbage on the street thinking somebody else will clean it up, Ploggers are saying "why not us?"
Andrew Freedman and his friends at Seger Dog Park in Center City are trying to spread the idea. It's a simple enough concept: When you take your dog for a walk - bring a poop bag - and another one for picking up trash. Collen O'Rourke says don't worry about people staring.
"You'll see people around you and at first they'll kind of stare at you like 'Wait - what are you doing - what are you picking up?' And then they realize you're just picking up trash - and they smile and they wave and they're like 'Thanks neighbor!'"
The Plogging concept started in Sweden, where a man pushed the idea that joggers could pick up trash on their runs. It caught fire there, and now Andrew, Colleen, and Mary Phan are pushing it in Philadelphia, with dogs and owners as the spark.
There is enthusiasm about the idea in a city constantly trying to ditch the name 'Filth-A-Delphia.' The Seger Dog Park regulars are even incentivizing the idea with gift cards for participants, sponsorships, and the understanding that a cleaner city is a matter of changing habits.