World War II veteran plans return trip to Europe
PHILADELPHIA (FOX 29) - On the 75th anniversary of D-Day, a 96-year-old army veteran from Montgomery County will be one of 15 vets to make the trip back to Europe for the first time since the war ended.
Stanley C Friday was an Army scout during the second Great War. His good eyesight and bravery made him perfect for the role. Friday tracked German troops for over 165 days.
"To be out there in front of all those troops, people tend to shy away from something like that," Friday said. "I didn't give it much thought to tell you the truth, it didn't bother me one bit."
Being in close proximity to the enemy often meant the danger was ever present.
"I was at the point that if something happens, I was willing to except it. I was doing my job and duty with the country," Friday said.
Friday's trip will be made possible by the Tennessee based non-profit organization, Forever Young Veterans, a group that grants wishes for vets 65 and older.
"These are the greatest men to have ever lived," Forever Young Veterans' founder Diane Hight said.
"My father and Uncles were in Korea and World War II. I was never able to honor my Dad or Uncles because they were gone when I started Forever Young, so I do this for them."
Forever Young Veterans pay for each vet to take trips to Washington D.C., Italy and France.
"I thought I was going to jump out of my chair. I am going to France!" World War II veteran K.T. Robbins said.
Some believe returning to the place of once great horrors is therapeutic for the veterans.
"A lot of them carry those wounds inside for 75 years and going back a being with the other veterans and seeing the towns people at a time of peace and not at a time of war for a lot of our veterans this is a healing trip," Rich Walzak said.
Friday keeps his medals as a reminder of all those unable to return home.
"They're for all the ones that aren't here that deserve a medal, not me," Friday said.