Young mother comes up with clever way to answer inappropriate questions she receives about twin
A young mother of three came up with a clever way to answer the multitude of questions that strangers ask her about her young twin girls.
26-year-old Annie Nolan is a blogger and mom to two-year-old twin girls Delphine and Cheska and 4-year-old son Malachy.
She says that she is often asked numerous questions on a daily basis about her daughters that can either be ordinary or wildly inappropriate.
So in order to avoid some of the questions she decided to write out the answers and give them to the two girls to hold.
Nolan took a picture of the girls in their strollers with the signs and uploaded them to her Facebook page, garnering a huge response from her followers and also parents of twins worldwide.
"Yes, they are mine. Yes, they are twins. Yes, both girls. No, not identical. Yes, I know they look alike though. Yes, I'm sure they aren't identical," one of the signs says.
"Conceived by [expletive]. Born via c-section. You have twins in your family? *great*. They don't run in my family...until now. Yes, my hands are full (sometimes with two glasses of wine just to get through). Yes, triplets would be harder," the other sign says.
"I really wanted to leave these signs on the pram today. As a twin mum, you get asked a series of questions/hear a series of statements everytime you go out," Annie wrote along with the pictures.
"I know most people are coming from a great place and are just curious however many can be quite intrusive and after a while it's just plain exhausting," she wrote.
"And since I was heading into the city, I knew the questions would be coming thick and fast... but I chickened out on the train and took them off! P.S- it is a joke people."
Annie told the Daily Mail Australia that she came up with the concept for the signs after joking with other "twin mums" about the similar questions they are asked.
"My kids are honestly my favourite topic of conversation, my friends must be so sick of me talking about them, so the signs weren't me saying that I don't want to talk to people about my kids, I love it," Annie said to Daily Mail Australia.
"I wrote the questions just as a tongue-in-cheek way to list the most common ones I get, you can almost predict the ones that people will ask- although sometimes people are way too cheeky in what they think they should ask," she said.
Nolan talked more to Daily Mail Australia about the types of "cheeky" questions she's asked and tidbits she receives from strangers.
"Sometimes I get asked the most intrusive and inappropriate questions, everything from whether they are 'natural' babies to whether I every considered aborting them," she said.
"One woman even told me that if I had aborted one of the twins I would have had an easier pregnancy, and that because they were born prematurely they would have learning difficulties when they're older."
So far Nolan's post has amassed more than two million views since it was post two days ago.
She says that she was shocked and did not know that it would become so popular. She also says that most of the feedback she received was from parents of twins agreeing with her sentiments.