Be a team player: Help Eagles' QB Carson Wentz reward a young fan
PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) - Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz has a bit of a problem and wants to know if you can help.
The boy in the picture sent Wentz a picture of himself with a bow and arrow, and of course an Eagles shirt.
Wentz wants to thank the boy, and send him something, but doesn't know who he is.
It's not the boy's fault. We'll assume he left a return address.
Wentz says his golden retriever Jersey chewed the envelope.
You may know, Jersey is just five months old.
According to Wentz's team biography:
"In November 2016, his 4-year-old golden retriever, Henley, gave birth to eight puppies. In total, nine golden retrievers lived in Wentz's home for more than a month before he gave seven away to family and friends, including teammate Jordan Matthews. Wentz kept one puppy and named him Jersey."
So, if you recognize #11 in the picture -- not Wentz but the younger guy wearing the Eagles' shirt with his number -- you can let Wentz know -- or click here to email your tip and your own contact information, and FOX 29 will make sure he gets it all.