Saints & Falcons join hands in circle of unity after national anthem

(FOX NEWS)- The New Orleans Saints and the Atlanta Falcons are heated rivals, but they put that aside before last night's Monday Night Football game and came together for a touching display of unity.

After the national anthem, the players and coaches from both teams joined hands in a circle at midfield.

Sean Payton and Dan Quinn, the teams' respective coaches, figured it was a great way for players to join the growing protests around the NFL against racial injustice in America while still making it a message about togetherness, ESPN reported.

"We want it to be all, everybody, because that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to bring everybody together. Our nation needs to come together. Everybody needs to care for each other," Saints running back Mark Ingram said. "And that's what's so good about sports. It brings everybody together, no matter what race. These are my brothers in here. Guys I played with in the past, those are my brothers. You don't see color. You just see a guy who you work hard with and go to battle with and work with every single day."

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