Largest shark ever tagged by research group spotted off Florida coast
Researchers are tracking what may be the largest male white shark ever tagged by OCEARCH, with recent signals coming from off Florida's east coast near Jacksonville.
Scuba divers have 'once-in-a-lifetime' close encounter with great white shark near Catalina
Scuba divers near Catalina had a rare and thrilling encounter with a 15-foot Great White Shark, capturing the moment on video as the shark calmly circled them before swimming away.
Shark attack off Hawaii's Oahu island leaves woman seriously hurt
Also Friday, reported back-to-back shark attacks led authorities to temporarily close beaches to swimmers in Walton County, on the Florida Panhandle.
Video: Florida scuba diver frees trapped nurse shark from fishing line caught in artificial reef
A Florida diver came face-to-face with an entangled nurse shark as he worked to free the animal from the coral blue waters of Destin.
Shark bites leg off American tourist in Turks and Caicos: report
An American tourist has lost her leg after being bitten by a shark while vacationing in Turks and Caicos, police say.
Recent shark attacks are worrying beach-goers, yet experts say they're very rare
Recent shark bites in Florida and Hawaii, and a suspected case in New Jersey have piqued interest in the age-old summer question of whether it's safe to go in the water.
Second shark attack reported in Hawaii days after woman disappeared while snorkeling
The shark released the man after he used a diving knife to defend himself, authorities said.
Florida's ‘shark maternity ward’ may have been forever changed after direct hit by Hurricane Ian
Research from the longest-running study of shark mating behavior in the world is highlighting the importance of protecting a critical habitat for sharks and rays in Florida after the vulnerable location took a direct hit from Hurricane Ian at the end of September.
Police: Pennsylvania woman killed by bull shark while snorkeling in the Bahamas
Authorities say a 58-year-old Pennsylvania woman died after she was attacked by a bull shark while snorkeling in Nassau, Bahamas.
New Jersey shore town bans fishing for sharks from the beach
One New Jersey town is cracking down on fishing for sharks along their beaches after complaints surfaced from residents.
Over 20 great white shark sightings reported off Cape Cod this week, forcing beach closures
Shark activity along the beaches of the U.S. Northeast has increased in recent years amid a rising seal population and conservation efforts, experts say.
Shark attack on Florida beach seriously injures teen girl
A family member reportedly jumped in the water and “beat the shark” until the girl was freed.
Cape Cod residents warned of great white shark migration headed their way
One local beach temporarily closed due to a sighting.
Sharks swimming closer to crowded beaches than previously thought, study says
"We were surprised to find that the sharks we tracked spent so much time near the lights and sounds of the busy city, often close to shore, no matter the time of day," the study author said.
10-foot great white shark pings off coast of New Jersey
Bill Anderson reports from Brigantine
10-foot great white shark pings off coast of New Jersey
The shark, a female sub-adult named Miss May, has been measured at over 10-feet long.
Swimmer killed in apparent shark attack off coast of Maine
Maine Marine Patrol said a witness saw the woman swimming off the shore of Bailey Island when she was injured in what appeared to be a shark attack.
Photos reveal sharks circling unsuspecting beach-goers at Myrtle Beach
A woman vacationing in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, snapped some startling photos from her 15th floor hotel room of several sharks swimming in shallow water near unaware beach-goers below.