1-year-old finishes chemotherapy as Supergirl

(INSIDE EDITION)--A one-year-old donned a Supergirl costume to mark the ending of her chemotherapy treatment.

Emilie Meza finally got to ring the bell, to symboliza the end of that part of her journey, at John Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, on Wednesday.

"She came through so much so we wanted to make that day special. She's such a strong little girl," Roxana Meza told InsideEdition.com.

Emilie walked down the hospital hall towards the bell while family and staff cheered her on. The 1-year-old was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia in January at just 9 months old.

"We were devastated. It's really hard to find out that your 9-month-old has cancer," Meza said.

She has undergone four rounds of chemotherapy since and also received a bone marrow transplant.

Emilie has been in the hospital since her diagnosis.

Meza said to see her daughter finally ring the bell was an indescribable moment.

"I was very emotional. It was an amazing feeling because you are seeing your child, who has no idea what is going on, accomplish so much. As a parent you feel as though you have been fighting along with your child," Meza said.

Although the family said they still have a long road ahead, they are glad this portion is done.