2024 average school teacher salary in Pennsylvania, New Jersey

Despite record-level increases in some states, the average school teacher pay nationwide has failed to keep up with inflation over the past decade.

According to the National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest teachers union, on average, teachers are making 5% less than they did 10 years ago, said in April 2024.

The NEA reported the national average starting teacher salary in 2024 was $44,530, and the national average teacher salary in 2024 was $69,544.

When it comes to the best national starting teacher salary average, New Jersey ranks number two, starting teachers with an average salary of $56,434 for 2024. 

Pennsylvania ranks 12th in the nation with an average starting teacher salary of $49,803 for this year. 

The District of Columbia took the first spot for the highest average starting teacher salary, $63,373 in 2024.

As for the average teacher salary, New Jersey ranks number 7 in the nation with an average of $81,102 in 2024. 

Pennsylvania ranks 11th in the nation with teachers making an average of $74,945 in 2024.

When comparing the average starting teacher salaries to each state’s minimum living wage threshold, there are big gaps in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 

Pennsylvania’s minimum living wage is $57,664, which is almost $9,000 more than the average starting teacher salary (49,803). 


Maps of school teacher salary averages for 2024

Adjusted for inflation, teachers are reportedly making 5% less than they did 10 years ago. Here’s how average teacher salaries measure up to each state’s minimum living wage threshold.

New Jersey’s minimum living wage is $73,517, a whopping $17,083 jump from the state’s average starting school teacher salary ($56,434).

States with the highest average teacher salaries: 

California ($95,160)

New York ($92,696)

Massachusetts ($92,307)

Washington ($86,804)

District of Columbia ($84,882)

States with the lowest average teacher salaries: 

West Virginia ($52,870)

Florida ($53,098)

South Dakota ($53,153) 

Mississippi ($53,354) 

Missouri ($53,999)

Check out a full map that shows the school teacher salary averages and starting salary averages in each state for 2024.