Carpool ticket surprise: Adorable pregnancy announcement

(STORYFUL) A couple announced their pregnancy in an adorable YouTube video.

Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Mike Wigginton noticed someone who did not have a passenger with them driving in the lane designated for multiple passengers. Faced with the clear violation of traffic laws, Deputy Wigginton did what any cop in his situation would, he pulled the driver over.

His own wife was the one that was in violation of the road rules. Although she insisted that she was not breaking any traffic laws, Mike was steadfast in his demands for her information.

Mrs. Wiggins eventually gives in, but instead of handing her husband the requested license and registration information, she handed him something much more special. She gave him a piece of paper with the words "Baby Wigginton arriving September 2016" typed on it, showing not only her innocence, but also the exciting news.

Congrats to the couple!

Credit: YouTube/OC Sheriff