Chester Upland leadership meeting today to address contracts for teachers and staffers

School starts Wednesday for kids in the Chester Upland School District. Teacher and staffers will be there too - even if they're not getting paid.

The state budget impasse left the district without the funds to cover payroll, but unions decided they'd come to work for as long as they can.

The district's Superintendent Gregory Shannon and District Receiver Barnes will meet with leadership Monday morning to determine a plan of action.

The Chester Upland Education Association, which represents teachers, and the Chester Upland Education Support Personnel Association, which represents support staff, voted last Thursday to work without pay temporarily.

This came after learning at a district convocation that the Chester Upland School District is without funds to meet payroll on September 9.

Following the convocation, Superintendent Gregory brought senior leadership of the district staff and leadership of the CUEA and the CUESPA to the stage. He addressed all teachers and staffers, "The eight of us on this stage stand together in support of our children."

"We appreciate the unions' willingness to work with us in this difficult time," Supt. Shannon said.

After the vote, Receiver Barnes commented, "This kind of commitment goes beyond what we ever want to ask of our staff, but as we continue to explore every possible legislative, fiscal and legal avenue to secure the funds, their sacrifice is much appreciated."