Cinnaminson police investigate several incidents of hate graffiti

Cinnaminson police say they are investigating several incidents of hate graffiti.

"I think it's horrible," said Dressler Smith is disturbed by graffiti that popped up in her area. She lives in Cinnaminson where police are investigating several incidents of hate graffiti that showed up around the township and near the Palmyra Extension area.

"I grew up in the area from like four years old and it's very surprising," she said. Police posted on the department's Facebook page graffiti from two of the incidents. They were found spray painted on streets, sidewalks and basketball courts. Charles Street School in nearby Palmyra was also tagged.

"I know racial tensions have been on the rise in recent history. I've never seen it around here," said Shawn Burridge. He's lived here more than 20 years and says it's not what he wants to see.

"That type of graffiti I don't like. I do like street art graffiti but that is unacceptable," said Burridge.

Smith says the racist and anti-Semitic graffiti brings to mind KKK flyers showing up in the township.

That was last February.

"For this area this is really something different except a while ago hearing about flyers being passed out and I was really surprised about that," said Smith