Delaware Air Force reservist charged with raping, impregnating teen girl

DOVER, Del. (AP) -- Authorities say an Air Force reservist stationed at Dover Air Force Base has been charged with raping and impregnating a 14-year-old girl.

Delaware State Police say 34-year-old Byron P. White was taken into custody at the military base Tuesday following an investigation that began Dec. 19 after authorities received a complaint on a Division of Family Services hotline.

White is charged with nine counts of third-degree rape and continuous sexual abuse of a child. He was being held on $200,000 bond. It was not immediately clear whether he has a lawyer.

White's arrest comes just one week after another airman at Dover was charged with raping a runaway 14-year-old girl.

Two other airmen were arrested last year and entered guilty pleas to federal charges of sexually abusing a teen runaway.