Delaware to move to phase 2 of reopening plan on June 15, Gov. Carney says

Delaware Gov. John Carney announced the reopening guidelines for businesses during Phase 2. (Office of Gov. John Carney)

Delaware Governor John Carney announced on Tuesday that phase 2 of Delaware’s three-part economic reopening will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 15. 

Businesses that were initially permitted to open at 30 percent of capacity in Phase 1 of the reopening can now expand to 60 percent of stated fire occupancy in phase 2. 


Child care facilities will be allowed to open for all Delaware families during this phase, but there will be restrictions on group sizes and further social distancing and cleaning protocols. 

The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) continues to encourage Delawareans to telework during phase 2 of economic reopening. 

“As businesses reopen and more Delawareans head back to work, it’s important to remember that COVID-19 is still active in Delaware,” said Carney. “Delawareans need to remain vigilant. Keep distance from others outside your household. Wash and sanitize your hands frequently. Wear a face covering in public settings, and act with a sense of community. This pandemic is not over. Now’s not the time to let up.”

Also on Tuesday, Carney announced a rolling reopening of personal care service businesses – including tattoo shops and massage therapy services. Personal care businesses and exercise facilities may open at 30 percent of occupancy at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 8.


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