Fans desperate for Super Bowl gear line up at local stores

Pro Shop the official Philadelphia Eagles store in Cherry Hill for any and everything birds had a line almost stretched out the door this evening. And a day after our team's win, the first Super Bowl in franchise history, fans say there's no limit to what they'd spend to commemorate the date.

"I spent I think $200 on this stuff and 500 online. Since I didn't go to the Superbowl I had to put it somewhere. I do it for the birds," said Jeff Wilkens. We caught up with him leaving the Pro Shop with championship gear. He says Superbowl ticket prices didn't drop to where he wanted so he had money to burn.

"I pretty much went through all 32 pages online almost and picked and chose what I wanted and there wasn't a budget since I didn't go to the Superbowl," he said. Across the shopping center at Dick's Sporting Goods Adam Matari and Kyle Parkinson were desperately shopping.

"Looking for anything I can get my hand on," said Matari. They weren't discouraged by empty tables because they weren't among the early birds. They were late to the party.

"We started looking at old gear. We just saw Superbowl stuff. No champions," he said. But word spread throughout the store that another shipment was coming in tonight. Matari is a Temple student studying in Arizona this semester. He flew in for the celebration and said he wasn't going back to Arizona without everything he wanted.

"I'm going to spend and not check my credit cards until the end of the month," said Matari. Workers scrambled to unpack boxes as fans grabbed what they could.

Jonathan Maxson says he wanted the official championship shirt the players are wearing and the hat. He says he'll pay whatever to get it.

"Maybe a couple hundred dollars. I don't know. It's a once in a lifetime thing. I say a couple hundred now but when I get up to the counter who knows. I'm embracing this. I'm soaking it in," said Maxson.