Fish chews on 11-year-old girl's foot causing bone-deep cuts

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) - An 11-year-old girl suffered bone-deep lacerations when what was probably a fish chewed on her foot and ankle as cooled off in a northeastern Minnesota lake.

Maren Kesselhon suffered nine deep cuts and tendon damage Wednesday when she jumped off a paddleboard on Island Lake, near Duluth, about 150 miles (240 kilometers) northeast of Minneapolis.

Maren tells WDIO-TV that she could feel her foot was inside a fish's mouth and kicked at it with her other foot to free herself. The doctors who treated Maren say the razor-sharp cuts probably were caused by a muskie, which inhabit Island Lake.

A Duluth fisherman caught and released a 47-inch (120-centimeter) long muskie in the lake Wednesday.