Group voices concerns about Temple's proposed stadium in North Philly

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) A group called the Stadium Stompers are voicing concerns about Temple's proposed stadium in North Philly

"It's not fair that we have to sell our properties and move out so we can be comfortable," said Rev. Carmen Brown. She lives on Willington Street in North Philadelphia. It's just a block south of where Temple University wants to build a 35,000 seat sports stadium.

"Everything is going up. The water is going up. The taxes are going up. What are we supposed to do?" said Brown.

Standing on her front porch, she says she's already surrounded by Temple development.

"The first house that Temple built was across the street and I was living right here," she said. Brown says student rentals like the ones across the street have already replaced many homes. She says only six original houses are still on her block. She's fed up.

"It doesn't concern me about them forcing me out. My concern is I want to move," she said.

Thursday night a group of residents and business owners who want to stay and some Temple students who are against the project met at the Church of the Advocate. They call themselves the "Stadium Stompers".

"Not on our watch," chanted one man.

One by one they aired their concerns.

Jackie Wiggins listed the problems she believe residents will face, "Displacement of residents, higher taxes that have already kicked in for some home owners, increases for renters, higher tuition for students over time, noise and traffic."
Joan Briley lives on Norris Street. She says, "I don't want to see a stadium there. I don't want to see a big wall. When I open up my front door I can see Center City and I want to continue to see that.
Kenneth Johnson has lived in the area for 27 years and loves it. He says, "I've never had any plans to want to go anywhere but what's going on now with Temple kind of makes me want to go. But I want to stay at the same time and fight."

Brown believes it's a tough battle and doesn't see a compromise.
"No. Not with Temple. No. They're going to win regardless of what we say. We're the taxpayers but they're going to win."