Heartbroken Dad Weeps as He Says Farewell to Boston's 'Baby Doe' at Private Funeral

(INSIDE EDITION) The body of a little girl known as Boston's "Baby Doe" has finally been laid to rest, nearly six months after she was found beaten to death and dumped inside a garbage bag.

Two-year-old Bella Bond was not identified until September, and her mother's boyfriend has been charged with murder. Mom Rachelle Bond has been charged as an accessory. Both have pleaded not guilty.

Bella's father wept, then kissed his hand and placed it on top of the child's tiny casket during Saturday's private service in Winthrop, Massachusetts.

A computer-generated composite image of the girl was shared by millions on social media as authorities tried to identify her remains.

A hand-sewn quilt by three mothers covered her coffin and bore handwritten messages such as "No one knew you but everyone loved you. Rest in peace."

Bella was buried in a white lace dress, with four stuffed animals.

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