Legal Pa. fireworks bring bigger bang for businesses and shoppers
DELAWARE COUNTY, Pa. (WTXF) - With just days before July 4th, fireworks businesses say they're getting ready for what they hope is a really busy week.
"They have red, white and blue ones. They have silver," said one shopper.
Decisions like never before.
"They're picking up everything saying 'We need this, we need this, we need this,'" said Brian Kessler.
No longer restricted to sparklers in aisle two, shoppers like Kessler and clan at Phantom Fireworks in Delaware County are looking to go out with a much bigger bang this July 4th.
"We also sell repeaters which are preloaded boxes. Light one fuse and they all go off in succession," said Brian Bush, Manager at Phantom Fireworks.
Pennsylvania's Fireworks Act of 1939 was amended last fall. Pennsylvania residents can now purchase and use aerial fireworks statewide.
"Every year, we put on a show for the neighborhood. The show is gonna be much better this year than it was last year," explained Kessler.
Store Manager Brian Bush says Phantom Fireworks doubled its staff for the anticipated sales surge. That's something state leaders are also looking forward to. While the aerial fireworks are legal, they're taxed at 12 percent on top of the state sales tax - a new multi-million-dollar revenue source.
"People are definitely excited to be able to buy the things. But, with the increased tax, I definitely heard a lot of complaints over that," Bush explained.
Though it's not stopping people from loading the carts and cashing out. For some, the kids smiles are worth it.
"Got a whole bunch of stuff for the kids. Different types of fireworks," said Alberto Colon.
And, the best part?
"You don't have to worry about purchasing illegally. It's legal now!" Colon said.
While fireworks are legal statewide, before buying, check with local townships to see if they enforce local ordinances with additional restrictions. For more information on fireworks in Pennsylvania, click here.