Montgomery County mom fuming over anti-abortion card found at Wegmans

A Montgomery County mom got the shock of her life after a trip to the Wegmans in King of Prussia. What she found inside a box of diapers has her fuming.

"I usually never make videos like this--ever." But Annie Weiss was so irate about what she found inside a box of diapers she bought at Wegmans in King of Prussia on Sunday she took to social media.

"There's this card--God hates the hands that shed innocent blood," the card read.

The Conshohocken mom of two says it is the last thing she expected to find in a box of LUVS. She says regardless of your political views this type of promotional tactic is unacceptable.

"I see a picture of a dead fetus staring at me. It's very invasive. It's not okay. It takes it one step too far," Weiss said.

The 31-year old mom says she received hundreds of comments on Facebook supporting her.

Annie is just thankful her 4-year-old son who she often asks to grab a diaper when she's changing her 2-year old little girl didn't see it.

Weiss says she called Wegmans customer service they were very apologetic. It turns out the anti-abortion literature wasn't just in the diapers. A spokesperson for the Rochester-based chain says another customer found it slipped into a six pack of ice tea over the weekend.

A search of the store resulted in ten addition cards being tucked in various products. Wegmans has no idea who did this but is investigating. They say nothing like this has happened at any of its other stores.