Mother gives birth to child in Taco Bell parking lot
BAKERSFIELD, CA -- A couple from California met the newest member of their family in an unconventional location - a Taco Bell parking lot.
The new parents were on their way to the hospital with the pregnant mom already in labor.
She realized that her baby was well on his way and wasn't stopping for anyone!
So her husband decided to pull over - right into a Taco Bell parking lot.
And the new mom gave birth right in the passenger seat of the car.
Firefighters quickly arrived to assist with the birth.
Patrick Snowling with the Kern County Fire Department said, "I've never really heard of a case of a baby being delivered in a taco bell parking lot at two-thirty in the morning, so I'd say it was a pretty unique situation."
"I stayed close by the car just so the baby could hear the mother talk and get that mother-child experience in the beginning, so I stayed right there."
After the birth, the family was taken to a hospital nearby. Reports say they are all doing well.