Non-partisan group polling Philadelphia democrats by phone to find mayoral race front runner

Registered Democrats living in Philadelphia should expect a call or text over the next several days from a national polling firm that's trying to find a front-runner in the city's hotly-contested mayoral race. 

The poll is being paid for by the Good Government Group, The Committee of Seventy, and it's partners. The results of the city's first non-partisan mayoral poll are expected to be released on Friday. 

"We’re going to show a preference at a moment in time," Interim President and COO of the Committee of Seventy Lauren Cristella said. "That’s all this is – that’s all any poll is – people should take that for what it’s worth."


In the crowded field, in a city with a 7-to-1 democratic to republican registration, Cristella says the next mayor could be elected by a small percentage of voters in a city of 1.6 million people.

The Committee of Seventy believes ranked choice voting – in which voters rank their candidates 1st, 2nd or 3rd – would result in a mayor with a mandate to lead.  It’s why they’re asking for a ranking in their poll.

"'If the election were held tomorrow, who would you be voting for?' The next five questions are if you could rank your candidates one to five who that would be," Cristella said.

With less than three weeks until voters head to the polls, the Committee of Seventy is concerned about the big campaign dollars flowing to candidates – sometimes with no names attached. 

"Voters really have a right to know who candidates are talking to, making promises to, and getting support from," Cristella said.