Philadelphia Ceasefire holds vigil for teen accidentally shot to death

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) A community is mourning the tragic loss of a 13-year-old. An emotional vigil was held for the teen tonight.

"He's gone and my brother is never coming back and it hurts so bad. People tell me it'll be ok but it's not ok," said Christyanna Mackey tearful and heartbroken as she talks about the loss of her brother 13-year-old Chris Mackey as she stands before a crowd of people wearing a T-shirt bearing his picture.

"I'm still in shock like I never thought this would happen to my brother. Why would they so do this? Why would you want to do this to him?"

She and another family member spoke during a vigil put on by Philadelphia Ceasefire a day after police say Chris was accidentally shot to death behind a home on East Walnut Lane. They say he was with other teens playing with a gun when it happened. Today a 15-year old boy was charged with involuntary manslaughter. A second teen is facing lesser charges.

"They're trying to say that it was an accident but two people got charged for it," said Eddie Mackey, the victim's uncle.

"My family right now is grieving beyond what I ever could imagined," he said.

A crowd of people gathered for the Ceasefire vigil making a plea for conflict resolution, for people to put down the guns and for gun owners to lock up their weapons. Police believe the teens found the gun in a vacant house on the block. Investigators found the revolver and stolen jewelry tossed in a nearby yard. Community members say something needs to be done to keep guns out of the hands of children.

"Please everybody lock up your guns. Find your ammunition and lock it up separately," said Marion Brown.
Robert Armour attended the vigil. He's retired but says he's stays active in the community.
"What I seen out here today is diversity. All different people coming together realizing that life is very important," he said.