Philadelphia Eagles play video games with troops stationed overseas

Right before the Philadelphia Eagles start preparing to play the Dallas Cowboys this Sunday, they took time from their daily routine to play video games with troops overseas and at home.

FOX 29 Photojournalist Bill Rohrer has the story.

Eagles wide receiver Mack Hollins starts with Overwatch, which is an online multiplayer shooter game. While defensive end Steve Means is playing Madden football. Their opponents are troops stationed overseas and some right here at home.

Airman Jonathan Cunningham has his hands full early on during his game.

"I play a lot, but I have to practice up a little bit. He put me to work today."

A touchdown by Zach Ertz puts Means up big time. This all happened just just feet from the real Zach Ertz.

"What that controller does in their hand with just playing a video game for that long it breaks down barriers and it is like you are almost playing your best friend in the basement," Greg Zinone, founder of the Joint Forces Initiative, said.

This is all part of the non-profit called the Joint Forces Initiative. Programs like Pro vs. GI Joe gaming events use the best technology to connect top professional athletes and celebrities to troops stationed all over the world.

This week, the non-profit has connected over 250 troops to professional athletes here in the U.S.

"I know you probably don't hear that enough it probably sound cliche it means the world to us. My pops was in the Army so I know first hand the time away from you family and the type of impact it has not only on you guys but on them as well," Eagles wide receiver Torrey Smith said. "We will definitely keep all of you all in our prayers."

In the meantime, a quick request from Eagles fan Major Christopher Page who is stationed in Saudi Arabia, "Beat Dallas on Sunday."