Police: Man litters bookstore with sex toys

(INSIDE EDITION)-- A Louisiana man was arrested over the weekend in what cops say was a bizarre stunt aimed at punishing a bookstore chain for bad service.

Nelson Lentz, 71, was charged by Monroe police Sunday after they say he left multiple sex toys throughout a Books-a-Million location, including in the religion section.

According to a probable cause affidavit, Lentz performed the dirty deed to get back at the business after "a bad experience."

"Lentz said that his reason for going to [the store] was to leave the items in sections of the store," the affidavit says.

Police say Lentz was seen on surveillance footage leaving the sex toys in the store's religion section. Lentz confirmed that it was him on the video, police say.

The affidavit did not specify what Lentz's "bad experience" was.

He has been charged with criminal mischief and criminal trespassing and is free on $700 bond.