Police search for suspects in cab driver shooting

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) Police say they are searching for a trio in connection with the shooting of a Philadelphia cab driver. The cab driver described the incident only to FOX 29.

The gunshot wound to his upper arm is still visible and a bullet is still lodged in his side. However, the 38-year- old cab driver, who asked to us to conceal his identity, is grateful to be alive after being shot at close range inside his cab.

Police say the three suspects shot the driver after they announced a robbery, then shot him once in his forehead, then a second time in his arm. They were caught on SEPTA surveillance cameras seconds before they left the Broad Street subway line and hailed down the cabbie.

The driver says he was stopped by the suspects near a gas station on South Broad Street at Wharton. One sat in the front seat, the other suspect and the woman sat in the back. When they reached 28th and Tasker, they shot him, according to police. He drove off with the gunmen still in the car until he crashed at 23rd and Morris.

"The cab driver actually gets out and flags down a patrol officer that's in that area and they were able to get him over to the hospital," said Philadelphia Police Lt. John Stanford.

The father of four who came here from Haiti in 2008 has been out of the hospital for a little over a week now, recovering at home from the gunshot wounds. He's not well enough to return to work yet.

While he plans to get back behind the wheel of his cab, the driver is now hoping the release of the surveillance video will help police nab the gunmen/

The driver says the gunman didn't get any money. Police believe the suspects live in the Point Breeze neighborhood where the shooting occurred.