Solebury Township Police investigate two fires believed to be arson
Solebury Township, Pa. (WTXF) - The back of Homestarr Realty on Lower York Road in Solebury Township is boarded up where investigators say an arsonist torched the place. Someone passing by saw flames shooting from the building and called 911.
"When fire company and police got on location they observed fire coming out of this window that's boarded up right now and there was fire within the building itself," said Detective Corporal Jonathan Koretzky. The call came in just before seven this morning. Police say it's very similar to a fire that happened nearly two weeks ago 4 ½ miles away on Route 32. A picture posted on the Solebury Township Police Department's Facebook page shows an active fire at the historic Virginia Neely House on August 2nd. Police say both were intentionally set.
"What I'm looking at is the type of structure, the time frame, both being early in the morning between 6am and 8am and the location of these fires are very consistent," said Detective Corporal Koretzky.
Police say no one was inside when the fires happened. So far there's no motive or suspects in either incident.