South Carolina trooper wrangles 4-foot snake from woman's car on interstate

Sergeant Jonathan Oxandaboure wrangled a snake out of woman's car in South Carolina. (Mary Alice Simmons)

A South Carolina trooper took a break from fighting crime to wrangle a four-foot long snake from a woman's car on the side of an interstate. 

The South Carolina Highway Patrol said Mary Alice Simmons was driving her car on Interstate 20 in Kershaw County to the auto shop when she saw the snake slithering across the floorboard of the passenger seat. 

She remained calm and pulled over to the side. 

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"I definitely freaked out. I’m surprised I didn’t wreck!" Simmons told authorities. 

Sergeant Jonathan Oxandaboure responded to the incident. 

 "It was something different, so we were going to have a good time," Oxandaboure said. 

By the time he arrived, the snake had made its way to the dashboard. 

Oxandaboure grabbed the snaked with one hand behind the snake's head and the other on the tail. 

"This trooper had to be a good ole country boy," Simmons said of Oxandaboure. "He reached in there, grabbed that snake, and pulled him right out like it was a cute little kitten."

The trooper then released the snake into a swamp near his office. 

Meanwhile, Simmons told authorities she wanted to drive the car. She traded her car that day for a newer model. 

"They were very light-hearted and had a good sense of humor," she said of the officers. "Those troopers were awesome!"

This story was reported from Los Angeles. 

Crime & Public SafetySouth CarolinaPets and AnimalsUnusualSouth CarolinaCrime & Public SafetyPets and AnimalsUnusual