Teen victim recounts home invasion
TERRELL, TX (FOX 4 NEWS)- The 17-year-old victim of Tuesday's home invasion in Terrell says he was assaulted by five men with guns.
FOX 4 viewers may recognize the teen, Casey Rogers, from a big moment in North Texas. Five years ago, Rogers was the one who brought down Texas Stadium live on TV.
On Tuesday, Rogers came face-to-face with five burglars wearing black bandanas and carrying guns. They kicked in a side door, pointed a rifle in his face and claimed to be police.
Rogers was upstairs, home alone, when the suspects, Diamond Gibbs, Michael Nelson, Aaron White, Brandon Thompson and Casey Minshew, burst in.
Rogers tried to fight them off.
"I hit him with a bat," said Rogers. "We got into a fistfight on the stairs. Another guy came up and said if I don't stop right now he's gonna shoot me."
Rogers says they overpowered him and dragged him down the stairs.
"I got on all fours," he said. "They just pushed me back into the ground. Told me if I move again, he's gonna blow my head off."
They duct taped Rogers' hands and feet to a chair. After they left, he called 911 and his father.
Investigators say the five suspects took a safe, some other items and got into a car. Law enforcement wasn't far behind, and a brief chase ensued.
The burglars bailed, taking off in different directions.
FOX 4 was there for the intense search that led to the five arrests and again on Wednesday as sheriff's deputies searched for weapons and other evidence.
Rogers didn't know it during the attack, but three of the five suspects, Gibbs, Nelson and Mishew, are acquaintances of his.
That betrayal added to the sting of already traumatic event.
Wednesday is Rogers' 17th birthday. His family says they're grateful they're planning a birthday and not a funeral.