Teenage girls fight back against school dress codes with social media hashtag

Teenage girls are using social media to voice their concerns about "sexist" dress codes in schools.

They are using a hashtag called #IAmMoreThanADistraction to share their personal stories and the issues they have with dress codes.

Some girls have taken to writing the hashtag on parts of their bodies, while others took to the standard pen and paper to express their thoughts.

According to aplus.com, those taking part in the movement are asking questions as well.

Those questions include this one: "Why is covering up more important than learning and why can't boys control themselves if showing skin is about being a "distraction"?"

They are hoping for change, aplus.com reports. They also want the opportunity to learn.

"Suggesting that what they wear trumps learning time sends a dangerous message," aplus.com says.

Writer for Time magazine, Laura Bates, weighed in on the issue.

She wrote, "Meanwhile, the very act of teachers calling young girls out for their attire projects an adult sexual perception onto an outfit or body part that may not have been intended or perceived as such by the student herself. It can be disturbing and distressing for students to be perceived in this way and there is often a strong element of shame involved.

"When a girl is taken out of class on a hot day for wearing a strappy top, because she is 'distracting' her male classmates, his education is prioritized over hers."