The Red Hen DC caught in uproar after Sarah Sanders' ousted from VA restaurant with same name
WASHINGTON - A DC restaurant is getting got in the crossfire as White House press Secretary Sarah Sanders says she was asked to leave a Lexington, Virginia restaurant of the same name because she works for President Donald Trump.
The Red Hen, an Italian restaurant in Bloomingdale has no relation to the Red Hen restaurant in Virginia, where a waiter says his boss asked him to request Sarah Sanders leave. Sanders was dining with her family who was also asked to leave. The incident has sparked reaction on both sides of the aisle.
Reviewers from across the political spectrum are sounding off on the Lexington restaurant's Facebook and Yelp pages, but now reviewers have been targeting Red Hen in DC as well.
One and five-star reviews fill the Virginia Red Hen restaurant's Facebook and Yelp pages after a server at the Lexington restaurant posted on Facebook saying "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of two minutes before my owner kicked her out along with seven of her other family members."
Sanders also tweeted about being refused service moments later.
While some are applauding the restaurant for pushing back against the Trump administration, others are chastising the restaurant owner for being intolerant. Now, the Red Hen restaurant in the District is doing damage control amid the heated encounter.
This is the third Trump administration official who was forced to leave a restaurant -- including Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen and White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller. These controversial restaurant ejections are happening on the heels of the administration controversial policy on immigration.