N.J. native Mike Trout, wife Jessica, welcome baby boy

Mike Trout is expected to return to the Los Angeles Angels on Tuesday after missing four games to be with his wife and newborn son.

Trout missed his fourth straight game Sunday after his wife, Jessica, gave birth to their first child, Beckham Aaron Trout, on Thursday. 

Trout announced the news in an Instagram post on Sunday. 

Beckham, who weight 7 pounds 10 ounces, got his middle name from Jessica's late brother who passed away in 2018, according to Yahoo Sports. 

The three-time AL MVP is likely to play in Seattle at the start of a six-game road trip, Angels manager Joe Maddon said Sunday.

The Angels transferred Trout from the paternity list to the restricted list after the three-day time limit on the paternity list expired Sunday. Los Angeles is off Monday.

The Angels (3-6) lost two of their first three games without Trout. The MVP had seven hits and two walks in 28 plate appearances over LA's first six games, hitting one homer with four RBIs.


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The Associated Press contributed to this report.