Liquor store owner fights back during robbery

A liquor store owner is shaken up tonight after an encounter with a gunman. The owner wasn't going to let anyone get past him and he put up a fight.

Longtime customers of Champ's Time Out Liquors in New Castle, Delaware are just as upset as the owner of the store who got robbed.

It was 17 seconds of terror. On Wednesday night, police say a man with a handgun walked into the store and asked for all the cash. But instead of handing over the money the owner customers call 'Champ' isn't having it. He fights back tussling over the counter before the bad guy runs out the door with no money. Champ gave chase armed with the cattle prod he keeps behind the counter.

The owner now put up a sign banning customers with hoodies. It's the first time in 25 years he said he's scared to come to work.

Customers have been coming by all night to offer support for 'Champ.' Many who know him aren't surprised with how he handled the bad guy.