Student athletes, parents call on Archdiocese of Philadelphia to allow fall sports

Students athletes and parents at Archbishop Wood rallied Monday calling on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to reverse course after canceling fall sports last week at all 17 high schools.

Senior football player Shane Collier is reluctantly leaving after his team won states last year. He is opting to transfer a couple of miles away for the football pot of gold at the public high school William Tennent where fall sports are a go.

"I've been playing football for 15 years and I don't want it to end like this and I don't think it should end," he said.

One parent said, "Right around the corner Tennnet is completely online and they're allowed to bring kids in and play sports every day. I think it's absolutely ridiculous."

Many don't agree that with the Catholic school's plan to allow partial in-classroom learning, while at the same time, canceling fall sports.


Archdiocesan high school athletes in Philly region will not play fall sports due to COVID-19 pandemic


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